Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Yes. All of our products are packaged in plain brown boxes or grey unmarked bags to ensure no neighbours can see what the contents are inside.

No. Our Critterkill solution is ready for immediate use and does not require diluting.

Yes, it is important to cover or disconnect alarms before treatment.

Yes. Although you have no signs of adult bed bugs, fleas, moths or other insects after your first treatment, eggs and larvae may still be present so it is important to eradicate all life cycles.

It is essential that you do NOT vacuum in between treatment. As this will pick up any product residue that is still working to treat against the pest.

Yes. Some customers have noticed a slight smoke smell after treatment, this usually clears within 24-48 hours. You can speed the process up by opening doors and windows to air the rooms.

Bed Bugs

No. Bed bugs will live any where around the home, yes more commonly they are found within 6 feet of the bed area but can be found in any room.

Bed bugs can be picked up from public transport, hotel rooms or passed from one person to another.

No. Although a bite from bed bugs can cause skin irritation and raised red bumps/rashes that can itch, they do not spread diseases or cause illness.

Bed bugs can thrive in any home condition, clean or dirty. However they do love clutter so it is a good idea to keep your home clutter free.

As well as seeing this live insect be sure to look out for dark blood spots on the bedsheets. You may also notice bed bug faeces that look like small black dots and bed bug casts of skin, this is a transparent, empty shell in the shape of the bed bug. These signs alongside bites on the body are commonly linked to bed bug infestations. A less common sign of bed bugs may be a sweet odour in the room similar to crushed raspberries or almonds. View our bug bug eradication guide >>

Often a bed bug will bite on exposed areas of skin such as the Torso, legs, arms, hands and face.


Yes. Fleas carry bacterial diseases such as typhus and plaque. It is recommended that you regularly check your bites for signs of infection.

Yes. While without a host for food a fleas life may be as short as a few days, fleas can survive for up to 100 days without a host.

Flea bites are often small red spots that have an inflamed red halo surrounding it. Less commonly a bite from a flea can cause a red rash.

Usually you would be able to see multiple fleas jumping around the home, especially where a host is easy to feed on. You may also see your pets scratching or biting their fur excessively or find black spots (flea excrement) within fur coat. You may also have bites in areas such as the ankles and feet. View our flea eradication guide >>

  • Treat your pets with recommended flea repellent from your vet.
  • Vacuum frequently.
  • Wash bedding and other soft furnishings often.
  • Check within your pets fur regularly.
  • Comb pets often.
  • Use Critterkill flea killer spray around the home.

The time it takes to remove a flea infestation depends entirely on how long the fleas have been there and the homes environment. Fleas can lay between 20-30 eggs daily after it has eaten, so it is best to treat thoroughly as soon as you see signs of the pest. It is essential that you are persistent when treating against fleas, multiple treatments should take place to ensure the removal of all life cycles. If you have a large property or your pet has had fleas for quite some time, it may take longer to get rid of the problem.